Texas Pelagics

"It's Not Just Birding, It's an Adventure"

Scopoli’s (Cory’s) Shearwater

by | Jun 15, 2022

Scopoli’s Shearwater Calonectris diomedea

 Add Geographic Distribution, Seasonal Occurrence and Number of Records

Here is a link to a scientific paper from Marine Ornithology by Flood and Gutierrez 2021, Separation of Cory’s Calonectris borealis and Scopoli’s C. diomedea Shearwaters based on underwing plumage. 


Seasonal Occurrence Graph

Add caption for Graph below.

Texas Pelagics Sightings Distribution 

Map 1) The live Google map above shows the geographic distribution of Scopoli’s Shearwater found in Offshore Texas from lat-long data I’ve captured from 35 years of Texas Pelagics. 
Click on the box in the upper left of the map to view the map legend.
Click on each sighting symbol and the data label will appear showing the time, date and the number of birds seen.
Click on the symbol on the top right of the map to view a larger map.

The next two map images are copied from eBird.

Map 2) The map below is zoomed into Texas and Louisiana to show individual locations.

Map 3) The bottom map is zoomed out to show the GOM, the northern Caribbean Sea and the adjacent western tropical Atlantic ocean. 

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